[Free ebooks] HypnoBirthing, Fourth Edition: The natural approach to safer, easier, more comfortable birthing - The Mongan Method, 4th Edition PDF

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By Marie Mongan

HypnoBirthing, Fourth Edition: The natural approach to safer, easier, more comfortable birthing - The Mongan Method, 4th Edition

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“Tis the good reader that makes the good book.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson


HypnoBirthing® has gained momentum around the globe as a positive and empowering method of childbirth. Here's why: HypnoBirthing helps women to become empowered by developing an awareness of the instinctive birthing capability of their bodies. It greatly reduces the pain of labor and childbirth; frequently eliminates the need for drugs; reduces the need for caesarian surgery or other doctor-controlled birth interventions; and it also shortens birthing and recovery time, allowing for better and...